
工程塑料 通用塑料 熱固性塑料 熱塑彈性體 ABS PPE PPO PBT POM EVA PP EAA

東莞千泰塑膠原料有限公司主要經(jīng)營(yíng)耐高溫PA66料,耐磨POM料,TPU包膠料,PA66加纖阻燃,耐高溫PBT料,PC耐高溫料. 可提供原料:ROHS(SGS)報(bào)告,UL認(rèn)證,FDA認(rèn)證,材質(zhì)證明及物質(zhì)安全資料表(MSDS)。具有相當(dāng)規(guī)模的現(xiàn)代化中外合資企業(yè),產(chǎn)品絕大部分外銷(xiāo)及為國(guó)內(nèi)外廠家提供高品質(zhì)產(chǎn)品,深受?chē)?guó)內(nèi)外客戶好評(píng)歡迎來(lái)電咨詢(xún):15818465693 0769-33214396 QQ:275158775
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您當(dāng)前的位置:首頁(yè) » 東莞塑料中心 » ∮PBT LW2547W ~
∮PBT LW2547W ~
產(chǎn)品/服務(wù): 瀏覽次數(shù):59∮PBT LW2547W ~ 
型 號(hào): 齊全 
規(guī) 格: 25 
品 牌: 進(jìn)口 
單 價(jià): 電議/面議 
起訂量: 25 KG 
供貨總量: 11111100 KG
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2017-11-18  有效期至:長(zhǎng)期有效
聯(lián) 系 人: 周偉 (先生)

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 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):  齊全
 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:  25
 產(chǎn)品品牌:  進(jìn)口
15818465693 周生(經(jīng)理) 0769-33214396 千泰塑膠 質(zhì)量保證,原產(chǎn)原包,提供SGS,UL黃卡,COA,出廠認(rèn)證報(bào)告
  Polyamide resin, English name polyamide, referred to as PA. Commonly known as Niron (Nylon), it is a macromolecular backbone, repeating units contain amide groups of polymers. For the five major engineering plastics in the production of Zui large, varieties of Zui more, Zui wide range of uses. The main varieties of nylon of nylon 6 and nylon 66, accounting for Jue of the dominant position, nylon 6 and nylon 66 nylon, polyhexamethylene adipamide, nylon 66 [title] long term supply of PA66 Than to hard l2% nylon 6; followed by nylon 11, nylon 12, nylon 610, nylon 612, nylon 1010 and nylon 46 nylon 7, nylon 9, nylon 13, nylon 6I, new varieties of nylon 9T and nylon MXD6 (special barrier resin), 70G35HSL, NC, 70G35HSL variety 70G43L, 70G43L-NC010, 71G13L, 72G13HS1L, 72G33W, 72G33HS1L, 72G33L modified BK031 nylon. LDPE polyethylene fiber, China is called nylon, usually made of low pressure polyethylene as raw material, spun into synthetic fiber. B-lun is mainly used for the production of nets and ropes or spun staple fiber used as wadding, can also be used for industrial acid and alkali resistant fabric. Has developed ultra high strength polyethylene fiber (strength of up to 3 ~ 4GPa), can be used as a bullet proof vest, composite cars and for offshore operations. With the injection molding production of polyethylene used sundry goods sundry goods including daily sundry goods, artificial flowers, containers, small containers, bicycle and tractor parts; refrigerator containers, storage containers, household utensils, sealing cover and other parts should be used when manufacturing; high density polyethylene. PP thermal properties: PP has good heat resistance, melting point at 164~170 degrees Celsius, products can be more than 100 degrees of temperature sterilization, in the absence of external force, 150 degrees without deformation. Embrittlement temperature is -35 degrees, brittleness will be lower than -35, cold resistance is inferior to polyethylene. Chemical stability: the chemical stability of PP is very good, in addition to being concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid erosion, are relatively stable for other kinds of chemical reagents, but low molecular weight aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons can make PP softening and swelling, while its chemical stability increased with the increase of crystallinity and to improve, so suitable for production of various chemical polypropylene pipes and fittings, good anticorrosion effect. PP 5620, PP 5620, PP, 5620/8, PP, PP, PP 1640, PP 1630, PP 1620, PP, 1615/2, PP, PP, 1610, PP PPO large blow molding can be large automotive parts such as bumper, spoiler, low foaming molding suitable for the production of high rigidity, dimensional stability, excellent sound absorption, the internal structure of large and complex products, such as various machine shell, base, internal support, design freedom, lightweight products. Electronic appliances: able to meet moisture and load PMMA highly transparent, plexiglass is currently Zui excellent polymer transparent material, light transmittance of plexiglass 92%, higher than the transparency of glass. The lamp is called the artificial sun solar quartz is done, this is because the quartz can be completely through ultraviolet. Ordinary glass can only penetrate 0.6% of ultraviolet light, but organic glass can pass through 73%, high mechanical strength.

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