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供應PPO GTX820.GTX830.GTX8408
產品/服務: 瀏覽次數(shù):189NORYL GTX*PPO 
型 號: GTX8410W.GTX8430W.GTX870.GTX8710.GTX8720.GTX8721 
規(guī) 格: 25kg/包 
品 牌: 美國SABIC 
單 價: 52.00元/kg 
起訂量: 25 kg 
供貨總量: 50000 kg
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 1 天內發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2015-12-01  有效期至:長期有效
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 產品型號:  GTX8410W.GTX8430W.GTX870.GTX8710.GTX8720.GTX8721
 產品規(guī)格:  25kg/包
 產品品牌:  美國SABIC


Grades Description

APS8740 PPE+PPS, Carbon, Conductive/ESD, Flame Retardant, Glass, Conductive, High Specific Gravity, Opaque,
EXNX0080 PPE+PPS, Carbon, Glass, Conductive, Flame retardant, Opaque.
GTX4110 10% Glass reinforced PPE+PA66 with a non-brominated, non-chlorinated Flame Retardant system
GTX4610 PPE+PA, Glass,
GTX6203 20% talc filled grade for exterior body panels. Low CTE. Excellent processability. Good dimensional stability and surface appearance.
GTX626 Blowmolding and extrusion. High heat and chemical resistant.
GTX673 PPE+PA, Conductive,
GTX674PC PPE+PA6, Conductive.
GTX675 PPE+PA6, Conductive,
GTX678 PPE+PA, Flame Retardant, Conductive, Heat Stabilized, Impact Modified, Nonhalogenated,
GTX679 PPE+PA6, Talc, Conductive, Developmental name is EXNX0092
GTX810 GR 10%. Increased stiffness of 200000 psi (3000 MPa) flexural modulus. Excellent chemical and high heat resistance. Application: lighting.
GTX810A PPE+PA66, 10% Glass,
GTX820 GR 20%. Higher stiffness of 800000 psi (4000 MPa) flexural modulus. Excellent chemical and high heat resistance. Application: valves.
GTX830 GR 30%. Highest stiffness of 1200000 psi (8200 MPa) flexural modulus. Excellent chemical and high heat resistance. Application: under the bonnet.
GTX8408 PPE+PA, Glass, Mold Release, Extrusion Grade, High Temperature Solder, Impact Modified, UV-Stabilized,
GTX8410W 10% glass reinforced PPE+PA. High flow. Automotive Connectors.
GTX8430W 30% glass reinforced PPE+PA for the automotive connector market.
GTX8710 PPE+PA, Glass, Conductive, Exceptional Processing, Low Warpage, Reduced Moisture,
GTX8720 PPE+PA, Glass, Conductive,
GTX8721 PPE+PA, Glass, Talc, Conductive, Low Warpage,
GTX8730 PPE+PA, Glass, Conductive,
GTX902 Unreinforced. Excellent chemical resistance and paintability. 312F (155C) HDT.
GTX904 Unreinforced; improved processing; excellent chemical resistance; 320F (160C) HDT.
GTX905 Automotive.
GTX909 400F (205C) HDT. 3.3 Notched Izod. Excellent chemical resistance
GTX910 Unfilled grade for automotive on-line painted components. Dimensional stability. Excellent chemical resistance. Class A surface appearance.
GTX914 NORYL GTX914 is an unfilled standard GTX grade.
GTX918W High flow NORYL GTX resin for under-the-hood and electrical applications requiring retention of properties under thermal load
GTX918WR High flow PPE+PS+PA for under-the-hood and electrical applications. With mold release
GTX9200 PPE+PS+PA66, Heat Stabilized, Impact Modified,
GTX934 Unfilled grade with improved processability and heat ageing performance. Especially designed for under-the-hood and high heat applications.
GTX9400W High flow PPO+PA. Power distribution box applications.
GTX944 PPE+PA, High Impact,
GTX964W Standard grade. Good processability and flow. Designed for body panels, large parts and thinwall applications.
GTX965 PPE+PA66, mineral filled
GTX966 PPE+PA66, Mineral,
GTX973 PPE+PA, Conductive,
GTX974 PPE+PA, Conductive, High Impact,
GTX975 18% mineral filled conductive NORYL GTX.
GTX977 PPE+PA66, Mineral, Conductive,
GTX979 PPE+PA, Conductive, High Impact,
NX0031 PPE+PA, conductive with high impact
RNX130 30% glass reinforced PPE+PS+PA alloy for automotive and nonautomotive applications. Recycle grade in black/gray only.

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