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您當(dāng)前的位置:首頁(yè) » 供應(yīng)產(chǎn)品 » Dynisco-atc880控制儀表
產(chǎn)品/服務(wù): 瀏覽次數(shù):1128Dynisco-ATC880壓力表 
型 號(hào): ATC880 
規(guī) 格: 52*84 
品 牌: Dynisco 
單 價(jià): 1.00元/臺(tái) 
起訂量: 1 臺(tái) 
供貨總量: 10000 臺(tái)
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2017-11-30  有效期至:長(zhǎng)期有效
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 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):  ATC880
 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:  52*84
 產(chǎn)品品牌:  Dynisco
The ATC880 Pressure/Process Controller is a microprocessor-based instrument with the capability of controlling an extruder or other process using an advanced proprietary SMART self-tuning algorithm
The ATC880 Pressure/Process Controller is a microprocessor-based instrument with the capability of controlling an extruder or other process using an advanced proprietary SMART self-tuning algorithm. The input is user configurable to be 350Ω Strain Gage, high-level voltage or high level current. The voltage or current inputs are compatible with many process transmitter combinations. Three fully programmable alarms and an analog retransmission output are also included as part of the standard ATC880 package. Five groups of configuration parameters are available from the keyboard, and are protected by three levels of user definable software locks. (A sixth group of read-only parameters can also be viewed) In the programming mode the lower display will show the parameter being displayed, and the upper display will show its value. In the operating mode, the upper display will show the process variable, and the lower display offers the choice of displaying set point, deviation from set point, output %, RPM or peak. In addition, a red LED bar graph presents an analog representation of the main input (process variable), as well as indication of the alarm set points. The alarms are shown relative to the span of process and are indicated as missing or present bars relative to the process input. References to Profibus features and instructions should be ignored. Profibus is being considered for a future line expansion and has been accommodated in the current design.
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