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PA66美國(guó)杜邦FG408L NC010
產(chǎn)品/服務(wù): 瀏覽次數(shù):631PA66塑膠原料 
型 號(hào): FG408L NC010 
規(guī) 格: 25千克/包 
品 牌: 美國(guó)杜邦 
單 價(jià): 電議/面議 
起訂量: 25 千克 
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 1 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2020-07-13  有效期至:長(zhǎng)期有效
聯(lián) 系 人: 劉華 (先生)

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 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):  FG408L NC010
 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:  25千克/包
 產(chǎn)品品牌:  美國(guó)杜邦
PA66美國(guó)杜邦FG408L NC010:食品級(jí),Zytel?FG408L是中等增韌聚酰胺66的注塑成型。它具有低溫耐沖擊性高和干燥成型。它已被開(kāi)發(fā)用于考慮到應(yīng)用程序中,如部件用于食品工業(yè)。
 PA66美國(guó)杜邦FG408L NC010物性測(cè)試數(shù)據(jù):
Processing Texts
Injection molding

Drying recommended = Yes, if moisture content of resin exceeds recommended level
Drying temperature = 80°C
Drying time, dehumidified dryer = 2-4 h
Processing moisture content = <0.2 %


Melt temperature optimum = 290°C
Melt temperature range = 280-300°C
Mould temperature optimum = 50°C
Mould temperature range = 50-90°C
Maximum Screw tangential Speed : 0.3 m/s
Flow front speed : 150 mm/s
Hold pressure optimum : 85 MPa
Hold pressure range : 50-100 MPa
Back pressure : low
Hold pressure time : 4 s/mm
Maximum hold-up time : 10 min

Profile extrusion

Drying recommended = Yes, if moisture content of resin exceeds recommended level
Drying temperature = 80°C
Drying time, dehumidified dryer = 2-4 h
Processing moisture content = <0.2 %


Melt temperature optimum = 290°C
Melt temperature range = 280-300°C
Rheological properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Viscosity number 150 / * cm³/g ISO 307, 1157, 1628  
Moulding shrinkage, parallel 1.5 / * % ISO 294-4, 2577  
Moulding shrinkage, normal 1.5 / * % ISO 294-4, 2577  
Mechanical properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Tensile Modulus 2200 / 1100 MPa ISO 527-1/-2  
Yield stress 61 / 43 MPa ISO 527-1/-2  
Yield strain 6 / 26 % ISO 527-1/-2  
Nominal strain at break 35 / >50 % ISO 527-1/-2  
Tensile creep modulus     ISO 899-1  
1h * / 950 MPa    
1000h * / 840 MPa    
Charpy impact strength     ISO 179/1eU  
23°C N / N kJ/m²    
-30°C N / N kJ/m²    
Charpy notched impact strength     ISO 179/1eA  
23°C 15 / 25 kJ/m²    
-30°C 15 / 8 kJ/m²    
Thermal properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Melting temperature, 10°C/min 263 / * °C ISO 11357-1/-3  
Temp. of deflection under load     ISO 75-1/-2  
1.8 MPa 66 / * °C    
0.45 MPa 155 / * °C    
Vicat softening temperature, 50°C/h, 50N 210 / * °C ISO 306  
Coeff. of linear therm. expansion, parallel 132 / * E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2  
Coeff. of linear therm. expansion, normal 132 / * E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2  
Thermal conductivity of melt 0.16 W/(m K) -  
Spec. heat capacity of melt 2600 J/(kg K) -  
Flammability dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Burning Behav. at 1.5mm nom. thickn. HB / * class IEC 60695-11-10  
Thickness tested 1.5 / * mm IEC 60695-11-10  
Burning Behav. at thickness h HB / * class IEC 60695-11-10  
Thickness tested 0.8 / * mm IEC 60695-11-10  
Oxygen index 19 / * % ISO 4589-1/-2  
Electrical properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Relative permittivity     IEC 60250  
100Hz 3.2 / 7 -    
1MHz 2.9 / 3.7 -    
Dissipation factor     IEC 60250  
100Hz 200 / 1500 E-4    
1MHz 200 / 500 E-4    
Volume resistivity >1E13 / 1E11 Ohm*m IEC 60093  
Surface resistivity * / 1E15 Ohm IEC 60093  
Electric strength 34 / - kV/mm IEC 60243-1  
Comparative tracking index 600 / - - IEC 60112  
Other properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Humidity absorption, 2mm 2.2 / * % Sim. to ISO 62  
Water absorption, 2mm 7 / * % Sim. to ISO 62  
Density 1090 / - kg/m³ ISO 1183  
Density of melt 950 kg/m³ -  
Film Properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Strain at yield, parallel 6 / * % ISO 527-3  
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