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PA66美國杜邦FG101L NC010代理商
產品/服務: 瀏覽次數(shù):553PA66塑膠原料 
規(guī) 格: 25千克/包 
品 牌: 美國杜邦 
單 價: 電議/面議 
起訂量: 25 千克 
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 1 天內發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2020-07-13  有效期至:長期有效
聯(lián) 系 人: 劉華 (先生)

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 產品規(guī)格:  25千克/包
 產品品牌:  美國杜邦
PA66美國杜邦FG101L NC010:食品級,Zytel?FG101L NC010是一種潤滑聚酰胺66樹脂注塑成型。它已被開發(fā)用于考慮到應用程序中,如部件用于食品工業(yè)。
 PA66美國杜邦FG101L NC010物性測試數(shù)據(jù)
Processing Texts
Injection molding

Drying recommended = Yes, if moisture content of resin exceeds recommended level
Drying temperature = 80°C
Drying time, dehumidified dryer = 2-4 h
Processing moisture content = <0.2 %


Melt temperature optimum = 290°C
Melt temperature range = 280-300°C
Mould temperature optimum = 70°C
Mould temperature range = 50-90°C
Maximum Screw tangential Speed : 0.4 m/s
Flow front speed : 300 mm/s
Hold pressure optimum : 85 MPa
Hold pressure range : 50-100 MPa
Back pressure : low
Hold pressure time : 4 s/mm
Maximum hold-up time : 15 min


Annealing: 30min at 200°C
Rheological properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Viscosity number 150 / * cm³/g ISO 307, 1157, 1628  
Moulding shrinkage, parallel 1.4 / * % ISO 294-4, 2577  
Moulding shrinkage, normal 1.4 / * % ISO 294-4, 2577  
Mechanical properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Tensile Modulus 3100 / 1400 MPa ISO 527-1/-2  
Yield stress 82 / 55 MPa ISO 527-1/-2  
Yield strain 4.5 / 25 % ISO 527-1/-2  
Nominal strain at break 25 / >50 % ISO 527-1/-2  
Strain at Break, 23°C, 50mm/min 4-5 / - % ISO 527-1/-2  
Flexural Modulus 2800 / 1200 MPa ISO 178  
Tensile creep modulus     ISO 899-1  
1h * / 1400 MPa    
1000h * / 820 MPa    
Charpy impact strength     ISO 179/1eU  
23°C N / N kJ/m²    
-30°C 400 / N kJ/m²    
Charpy notched impact strength     ISO 179/1eA  
23°C 5.5 / 15 kJ/m²    
-30°C 4.5 / 3 kJ/m²    
Hardness, Rockwell, M-scale 79 / 59 - ISO 2039-2  
Hardness, Rockwell, R-scale 121 / 108 - ISO 2039-2
Thermal properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Melting temperature, 10°C/min 262 / * °C ISO 11357-1/-3  
Glass transition temperature, 10°C/min 60 / - °C ISO 11357-1/-2  
Temp. of deflection under load     ISO 75-1/-2  
1.8 MPa 70 / * °C    
0.45 MPa 200 / * °C    
Vicat softening temperature, 50°C/h, 50N 240 / * °C ISO 306  
Coeff. of linear therm. expansion, parallel 100 / * E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2  
Coeff. of linear therm. expansion, normal 110 / * E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2  
Thermal conductivity of melt 0.16 W/(m K) -  
Spec. heat capacity of melt 2790 J/(kg K) -  
Eff. thermal diffusivity 5E-8 m²/s -  
Flammability dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Burning Behav. at 1.5mm nom. thickn. V-2 / * class IEC 60695-11-10  
Thickness tested 1.5 / * mm IEC 60695-11-10  
UL recognition UL / * - -  
Burning Behav. at thickness h V-2 / * class IEC 60695-11-10  
Thickness tested 0.7 / * mm IEC 60695-11-10  
Oxygen index 28 / * % ISO 4589-1/-2  
Electrical properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Relative permittivity     IEC 60250  
100Hz 3.8 / 6 -    
1MHz 3.5 / 4 -    
Dissipation factor     IEC 60250  
100Hz 80 / 2100 E-4    
1MHz 180 / 750 E-4    
Volume resistivity 1E12 / 1E10 Ohm*m IEC 60093  
Surface resistivity * / 1E12 Ohm IEC 60093  
Electric strength 32 / 28 kV/mm IEC 60243-1  
Comparative tracking index 600 / - - IEC 60112  
Other properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Humidity absorption, 2mm 2.6 / * % Sim. to ISO 62  
Water absorption, 2mm 8.5 / * % Sim. to ISO 62  
Density 1140 / - kg/m³ ISO 1183  
Density of melt 970 kg/m³ -  
Film Properties dry / cond Unit Test Standard  
Strain at yield, parallel 4.5 / * % ISO 527-3  
Chemical Media Resistance
Acetic Acid (5% by mass) (23°C)
Citric Acid solution (10% by mass) (23°C)
Lactic Acid (10% by mass) (23°C)
Hydrochloric Acid (36% by mass) (23°C)
Nitric Acid (40% by mass) (23°C)
Sulfuric Acid (38% by mass) (23°C)
Sulfuric Acid (5% by mass) (23°C)
Chromic Acid solution (40% by mass) (23°C)
Sodium Hydroxide solution (35% by mass) (23°C)
Sodium Hydroxide solution (1% by mass) (23°C)
Ammonium Hydroxide solution (10% by mass) (23°C)
Isopropyl alcohol (23°C)
Methanol (23°C)
Ethanol (23°C)
n-Hexane (23°C)
Toluene (23°C)
iso-Octane (23°C)
Acetone (23°C)
Diethyl ether (23°C)
Mineral oils
SAE 10W40 multigrade motor oil (23°C)
SAE 10W40 multigrade motor oil (130°C)
SAE 80/90 hypoid-gear oil (130°C)
Insulating Oil (23°C)
Standard Fuels
ISO 1817 Liquid 1 - E5 (60°C)
ISO 1817 Liquid 2 - M15E4 (60°C)
ISO 1817 Liquid 3 - M3E7 (60°C)
ISO 1817 Liquid 4 - M15 (60°C)
Standard fuel without alcohol (pref. ISO 1817 Liquid C) (23°C)
Standard fuel with alcohol (pref. ISO 1817 Liquid 4) (23°C)
Diesel fuel (pref. ISO 1817 Liquid F) (23°C)
Diesel fuel (pref. ISO 1817 Liquid F) (90°C)
Diesel fuel (pref. ISO 1817 Liquid F) (>90°C)
Salt solutions
Sodium Chloride solution (10% by mass) (23°C)
Sodium Hypochlorite solution (10% by mass) (23°C)
Sodium Carbonate solution (20% by mass) (23°C)
Sodium Carbonate solution (2% by mass) (23°C)
Zinc Chloride solution (50% by mass) (23°C)
Ethyl Acetate (23°C)
Hydrogen peroxide (23°C)
DOT No. 4 Brake fluid (130°C)
Ethylene Glycol (50% by mass) in water (108°C)
1% nonylphenoxy-polyethyleneoxy ethanol in water (23°C)
50% Oleic acid + 50% Olive Oil (23°C)
Water (23°C)
Water (90°C)
Phenol solution (5% by mass) (23°C)

Symbols used:
possibly resistant
Defined as: Supplier has sufficient indication that contact with chemical can be potentially accepted under the intended use conditions and expected service life. Criteria for assessment have to be indicated (e.g. surface aspect, volume change, property change).

not recommended - see explanation
Defined as: Not recommended for general use. However, short-term exposure under certain restricted conditions could be acceptable (e.g. fast cleaning with thorough rinsing, spills, wiping, vapor exposure).
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